Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 3 - Wednesday (Water Day)

Today we had our popular "water day" and we were blessed with the perfect weather for it.

Friends (old and new)

Big boys in archery

Relaxing before lunch

After lunch the kids (and adults) didn't have to wait any longer for water fun in the sun.

Popular water/soap slide.

Carter ready for battle.

Boys will be boys.

Today we spend the whole day in the park.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 2 - Tuesday

Registration booth with Miss Denise.
Day 2 started with rain but that didn't stop the kids from coming.
Some fun in the parking lot before 10 am.

Everybody got a turn (no matter what age).


Morning Bible verse learning with Miss Mary.

Morning Bible story with Mr. Burney.

Big girls group working on their project.

Downstairs the younger girls were busy working on their project with Miss Monica.

Younger boys working on their wood project.

Older boys in their afternoon Explore Bible time with Mr. Burney (and Jake).

Younger boys explore Bible time with Mr. Dan.

Water Investigation with the younger boys and Mr. Drew and Mr. Luke.

Keeping the kids (and adults) busy until it was time to leave.